Hi there. It’s me.

I love to write (duh, obviously), but I sure hate writing texts like these. Who the HELL am I anyway? If I knew that, my Spotify lists wouldn’t be a strange mix of country and hip-hop (and other guilty pleasures I do not dare to mention out loud). Anyway.
Work-wise, I know more. I am a creative copywriter who thrives when I’m in a room full of Post-its and crazy people. What else? Well, I have pretty good social media skills. And not only because I am Gen Z (I know, I also imagine them to be 14 years old), but because I’ve worked with it quuuuuiteeeee a lot.

Shortlisted, TikTok Awards 2023. Forsman & Bodenfors – Burger King
Shortlisted, NY Festival Awards 2022. Forsbergs skola – Penguin. Shortlisted, Future Lions 2021. Forsbergs skola – LEGO

Silver 48H – Svenska Djurambulansen, Forsbergs skola
Jury – Månadens Kampanj Print 2023 (Resumé)

Let's grab a coffee and talk more. Contact details below!

Mail: fanny.belaieff@gmail.com 
LinkedIn: Click!
Phone: +46 767 13 17 00
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