This entry was shortlisted at NY Festival Awards 2022 in the student category "Positive World Impact".
Break books into the mainstream cultural conversation and play with their content in formats not traditionally associated with books to encourage occasional book buyers to engage with them on a deeper level.

Unlike other entertainment we consume regularly – art, television and film – reading is a mostly solitary experience. This makes it hard to make books a water cooler moment, leading to them not getting the attention they deserve. However, there are other things being covered in the media almost on a daily basis: politics and inequality, for example. With this in mind, we figured: why not give Penguin (and their books) the attention they deserve by making Penguin a witty, quick and unmissable political player? By commenting on political issues regarding inequality, Penguin addresses a global problem by simultaneously elevating their female writers. That’s what we call a win-win. Because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that the bad boys out there need a bit more female perspective. 
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